


Our company cultivates approximately 5 hectares of asparagus in long rows called asparagus beds. Each year in February and March, the beds are plowed and covered with light-tight black and white foil. This foil preserves the white color of the asparagus and allows us to control the temperature for optimal growth. The asparagus plants are perennials, providing a harvest for about 10 years.


The start of our harvest varies annually as it is dependent on external temperatures, which we cannot control. Asparagus growth begins when the temperature within the beds reaches a minimum of 7 degrees. We anticipate the first asparagus from open ground to be available in early April. From that point until the end of June, we have a daily harvest, with valuable assistance primarily provided by students from Valkenswaard.

After the harvest

Upon harvest, the asparagus are promptly placed in water boxes on the field and then carefully cooled overnight in water at our company's cold store. Each morning, a meticulous sorting process takes place, wherein we discern the asparagus based on their thickness, cup color, and other unique qualities, resulting in over 10 distinct grades.

Our sorted asparagus is sold in-store, supplied to local wholesalers and restaurants, and any remaining unsold asparagus is taken to the Mierlo auction. We proudly hold certifications for Global-Gap and Grasp quality standards.

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